Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tech Play - Tagging

I had seen tagging before but wasn't exactly sure how it worked. I see that you can sort by tags, but I wonder - does Encore really sort by the tags that patrons have entered? I'm going to go back right now and make a goofy tag, then search by that tag ...
* * *
OK, Brooke, that didn't work. I gave "purple chickens" as a tag to one of the scores of chicken books in the system, but then when I went totally out and just tried searching as Joe Blow, "purple chickens" as a search term did not find the book that I had so tagged. Wait, does this only work when I'm logged in? I'll try that now ...
* * *
Nope, still doesn't work. So - what the heck is the point of tags in Encore?

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I know we already talked about the point (or lack thereof) of tagging in Encore in person, but I will look further into it and see what the benefits of tagging are supposed to be.